Welcome to Swancor Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.(Stock code: 688585)

On Earth Day, Swancor is in action


On April 22, World Earth Day,Swancor held a meaningful environmental protection activity in Mishidu Country Park, Songjiang District, Shanghai, and invited employees' families to participate. By holding events like these, we aim to raise awareness of environmental protection and call for everyone to participate in protecting our common planet. 

On the day of the event, Swancor volunteers gathered in Mishidu Country Park. At the opening ceremony, all participants shouted "Protect the earth, start with me", which kicked off the 2024 Earth Day green volunteer activities.


With the theme of "Caring for the Earth, Protecting the 'Green Waters and Lush Mountains'", volunteers were equipped with cleaning tools such as eco-friendly bags and gloves, and divided into groups to clean up garbage in the park. Despite the arduous task, everyone was energetic and actively engaged, showing enthusiasm and responsibility for the cause of environmental protection.


Since its establishment,Swancor has always taken green energy and environmental protection as the core spirit of the enterprise.

In addition to vigorously promoting the clean energy business of offshore wind power, in recent years, it has launched a new product dedicated to transforming the field of composite materials - recyclable thermosetting epoxy resin, and continues to invest in "net zero carbon emissions" and other fields.

- 100 meters of wind turbine blades can be recycled

- SWANCOR HYVER helps ships save energy and reduce emissions

- Anticorrosive resins are used in CCUS (carbon capture, utilization, and storage) projects

Swancor will continue to organize similar environmental protection activities, advocate the active participation of employees, and work together to create a more beautiful, clean and livable global environment, and implement it in daily life.

Let's work together to contribute to the sustainable development of our planet!

Media & Reprint Contact: Mrs JIANG
E-mail: jiangweijuan@swancor.com
New product consultation WeChat: Swancor_Official

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