Welcome to Swancor Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.(Stock code: 688585)

Announcement: Mr. Robert Tsai, Chairman of Swancor Group Participation and Speech at the 2023 Cross-Strait Entrepreneurs Summit

The opening ceremony of the 10th -anniversary annual meeting of the 2023 Cross-Strait Entrepreneurs Summit was held in Nanjing on 14/11/2023. 

Mr. Robert Tsai, Chairman of Swancor Group, actively engaged in the event and presented a speech within the Energy and Environmental Energy Conservation Industry Cooperation Subcommittee, addressing the dual carbon goals with a focus on "Advancing Dual Carbon Goals through the Establishment of a Wind Blade Recycling Industry Chain." 

The speech provided insights into Swancor Group's developmental journey since 1992, emphasizing the strategic plans in recycled material development and material recycling industries. Mr. Robert Tsai proposed commercially viable solutions an affirmed the following commitments by Swancor Group: 

1、Achieving 100% recycling of resin products for wind power generation by 2030.

2、Attaining zero hazardous waste from wind power generation resin by 2040.

3、Achieving carbon neutrality by 2040. 

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