Welcome to Swancor Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.(Stock code: 688585)

Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress team investigated Swancor on site

Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress team investigated Swancor on site on August 1st , 2022 to  understand the real needs of the enterprise, and got opinions and suggestions to find the solution of practical problems. David Wang, vice president and Hong-Rong, Wang, R&D director, accompanied the progress.


Through this investigation, Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress team well knew Swancor’s production process, product development, and technological innovation. In addition, they understood the difficulties faced by enterprises in resuming work and production after the epidemic, and fully recognized Swancor’s development and achievements, and encouraged Swancor to increase its research and development efforts, adhere to innovation, and win more market shares.



As a key high-tech enterprise recommended by Songjiang District, Swancor is a technology-oriented company, and focused on innovative research and development, creating higher value for customers. Swancor has successively won the titles of “Shanghai Enterprise Technology Center”, “High-tech Enterprise”, “Shanghai Specialized and Advanced Enterprise”, and "Multinational R&D Center".


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